Friday November 6
1. I am grateful for balmy fall weather. It was in the high 60's today. We threw open the doors to the house and basked in the beautiful weather. I love fall. It is my favorite season.
2. I am grateful for visiting teachers. Taryn came by today for a couple of hours to hold babies and play outdoors with the children while I paid bills, did paperwork, changed sheets and threw in a couple of loads of laundry. Thank you, thank you.
3. I am grateful for prayers. Specifically, I am grateful for the prayer of a five year old boy today before eating lunch. "Please bless this milk and this corn (he did not bless the cheese enchiladas because he does not like them) that they can make us big and healthy and strong. And please bless my mom that she can get enough kisses and hugs and snuggles." He melts me.
4. I am grateful for sisters. I am so grateful that we have good relationships with each other. I am so grateful for their listening ears. I am so grateful for their advice and support. I love having sisters.
5. I am grateful for new recipes. I tried several new recipes this week: french bread which smelled really good but I gave it away, carrot cake pancakes which everyone loved until Calvin grew suspicious of their orangy-ness, and a new macaroon recipe I will share with you tomorrow. They are scrumptious.
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