Monday, November 8, 2010

Gratitude Day #8

#1. I am grateful for the sunrise this morning. It was nice to wake up and feel like it was actually morning and not the middle of the night. Do not ask me how I felt this evening at 5:20 when the sun set. I miss long summer nights.

#2. I am grateful for the $5 bouquet of flowers I picked up at Sam's Club this weekend. I have scattered them about in little bottles on my kitchen windowsill and there were enough left over to make a little arrangement for the top of the bookshelf in the dining area. They are bright and cheerful and make me happy.

#3. I am grateful for another beautiful day. The kids walked to school today without mittens and hats.

#4. I am grateful for sisters. Though they live very, very far away I still talk to my sisters every week - sometimes more. My sisters are amazing and I have leaned on them a lot this last year.

#5. I am grateful for beautiful music. Yesterday we listened to one of my favorite recordings on 25 minute drive to and from church. If you do not have A Thanksgiving of American Folk Hymns in your music library, I would highly recommend it. Need a little spiritual lift today? Go here. You're welcome.

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