Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ho Ho Ho Horrid!


Trip to Mall of America with 5 children under 5, meet another 3 year old in the mall parking lot, take all 6 kids to Toddler Tuesdays and then to see Santa.

Our Mission Failed Because:
  • This was essentially a bad idea. I should have asked a friend to come along and share in my misery. I ended up meeting up with Kelly on our way to Santa which took my numbers back down to five. Plus, she is a doctor which came in handy ten minutes later.
  • Two of these kids are wanderers. Serious problem. Serious.
  • I had a single stroller with me for the baby.
  • The Toddler Tuesday program was a little bit boring this week.
  • Walking with 6 kids under 5 takes about 10 minutes to move 10 feet. This presents a problem when Santa is a half mile away from the Toddler Tuesday location.
  • Kids have to pee at really inconvenient times.
  • Santa gave the kids sticky treats.
  • The baby woke up just as we reached Santa with a raging fever. He was miserable and screamed constantly as I carried him (20 pounds of chub) and pushed the stroller with one hand (with another child inside) and called repeatedly to the other children to follow as we left the mall. By this time, some nice lady had taken pity on us and gave us a mall stroller she had found which Calvin was pushing for me with one of the girls inside. He kept running into people which slowed us down as well.
  • The drug store at the mall only had Motrin and you have to be six months old to take Motrin. The baby turned six months old that very day, but I needed permission from his parents to give it to him. Could not reach parents, so sad baby got Tylenol when we got back to the house.
  • Leaving the mall involves a 1/2 mile walk to the other side, up three floors and then into the parking lot. It was a long walk as the baby was really, really sad. (You'll be glad to know he fell asleep on the way home - I think the cold air helped cool him down a bit - and after dosing him with Tylenol, he slept for another three hours)
  • I had packed a lunch for the kids, but our rapid departure meant the kids kind of ate it in the car and made a huge mess. Huge.
  • I needed a drink by the time I got home after driving through a snowstorm and I am Mormon and do not drink.

Moral of the story? Do not try this at home.


  1. I'm so sorry it didn't work out. :( That's too bad. MOA is such a fun mall... We live only a short distance from there so I go there quite a bit.
    I wouldn't sweat it too much- Pretty soon your little ones will be all grown up and you won't have anyne to bring to Santa & you'll miss that.

    Have a good one! I love your blog! :)

  2. You know that last photo of all the kids with Santa was quite a pay off to your readers. Maybe not so much for you but you're a pretty happy trooper and it was just one trying day. I bet those kids appreciate those Toddler Tuesdays.

  3. Girl! You are CRAZY. I feel sick for you! :)

  4. what an awful experience. I used to nanny for a family of 5, ages 5 and under. And it was a nightmare just trying to get around the corner to the playground. People walking past would give me words of encouragement. I can't even imagine taking 6, five and under to MOA, that's insane! I'm glad you made it home with everyone alive! I hope the baby feels better. And what a good little helper Calvin is!

  5. What a day! However, I do agree with Emily Anne. The precious time, that you have your children with you, flies by way too fast.

  6. Will you forgive me for laughing at your expense? It's only because I can empathize, and the picture of little baby (Ken?) screaming on Santa's lap is tooooo perfect. CALL ME NEXT TIME! Tristen loves toddler Tuesday. I would love to assist with your field trips (or at least your adult:child ratio) any time I can :)

  7. And by the way, that BOW on the red present cake was UNBELIEVABLE - how in the world did you do it? - and the cake, DIVINE.
