Saturday, December 1, 2007

Let's Decorate!

Last week I broke out the Christmas bins (one actually broke as Bryan accidentally dropped it from the rafters of the garage shattering its contents - oops. I'm not letting it get me down.) and we started the monumental task of getting the house ready fro the holidays. I love the holidays. I love my entire house to glow in white Christmas lights. I have a lot of trees.

This is my decorating crew on this particular morning. I told them that it was a requirement to wear a Santa hat while decorating Christmas trees. They did a pretty good job of getting all of the ornaments on the tree - in big clumps, all along the bottom!


  1. I have got to get some Santa hats. I think that's the only thing that could make Christmas decorating more fun.

  2. I like to wear one on Christmas eve night just in case any curious little thing happens to peak over the banister staircase. Just a little tip.
