I took the kids to the zoo on Tuesday morning. the bird show is always so delightful and I was suprised by how much of the tropics trail is being renovated. I also noticed just how sad my old point and shoot camera is after using my new fancy pants camera. I will never go back. I spent yesterday on the phone with State Farm figuring out how to add it to my insurance policy!
There's a time and place for a point & shoot. We had both an SLR and a point & shoot. When Nina was about 8 months old our point & shoot died. Since then our picture taking has declined a TON. Nina has waaaay more pre-8 month pictures! We miss having a slim lightweight camera around (with video option)!! But you can do so much with an SLR and we love it too.
I am a busy Mormon mother with three children from my first marriage and four bonus children in New York. I am a child of God. I am blessed with three wonderful extended families and many amazingly talented friends. I work full-time in a dental office and we live in a little 1940's rental just five blocks from the public library.
I adore Oregon.
I am happy. I am busy. I am loved.
I may be changed by what has happened to me, but I will not be diminished by it. Maya Angelou
"Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishing." -Anais Nin
There's a time and place for a point & shoot. We had both an SLR and a point & shoot. When Nina was about 8 months old our point & shoot died. Since then our picture taking has declined a TON. Nina has waaaay more pre-8 month pictures! We miss having a slim lightweight camera around (with video option)!! But you can do so much with an SLR and we love it too.