Last week - sometime before the craziness of this weekend, we spent an entire morning making Christmas ornaments. All of the children were 4 and under so we kept things pretty simple.
We made beaded circles by threading beads on pipe cleaners.

We took peanut butter lids and glued Christmas papers inside.

We then outlined the papers with glue and added beads. We just taped yarn to the back to hang these on the tree.

This one was really fun. I cut circles out of cardboard and then cut slits every inch or so. The kids used yarn to make patterns on the circles.

Use a hole punch to make a way to hang them on the tree.

This was my favorite craft. I cut a ton a little squares of felt and had the children thread them on with a needle and thread. Even the young kids could manage this craft though it does take a lot of little squares to have enough to make a wreath.

When it is long enough, just cut off the needle and te the ends together. I added a loop of yarn as a hanger. I think these are adorable and will definitely make them again next year!

Those kids you tend are growing up! It's fun to watch them get bigger on your blog. I don't know how you find the time to make all the crap you do. You make me feel like such a loser. (In a good way.)