On Saturday we spent that afternoon at Dakota City in Farmington. This is the second year we driven down for their Christmas open house. Cost is $10 for a carload. It was cold, but the snow was so beautiful. They are open again this weekend, so if you missed the activities last week, you still have the chance to get there before Christmas.
The kids wanted to play checkers in every single shop.

Sophie wrote another letter to Santa. She is really hoping for a microscope for Christmas.
We found Mrs. Clause at the Post Office.

We rode around the village in the horse drawn wagon.

In the library, the kids made ornaments by stringing popcorn and folding paper. Yes, I realize this is about the last year I will be able to convince Calvin to wear a dragon hat for the winter. It is so cute and it makes me a little sad to recognize how much he is growing. Slow down Calvin!

We warmed up with some hot cocoa and hot cider. Bring extra cash for the hot drinks and for the penny candy in the candy shop.

Looks like a neat place to visit with perfect Christmas weather for it. The kids are growing so much as I look at them all lined up! I do love the dragon hat too and no, childhood doesn't last nearly long enough.