Actually, the voles do not seem to like the tulips - they prefer to munch on my now non-existent lilies. The rabbits have a thing for the tulips. So thank-you, little pesky rabbits, for leaving me some tulips to enjoy.
I think you cursed us with your mention of voles... Our moles have been having a field day in our gardens. I have no where near as many tulips this year as I did last year, and the sad thing is I planted more this past fall, so I should have had more!! John wants to know if you find a solution to your vole problem so that he can use it for our mole problem... I still say that having a dog will do it, since we haven't had as many problems with moles in the past few years until now that the neighbor moved in with dogs. Bummer. Anyway, your tulips are beautiful!
I am a busy Mormon mother with three children from my first marriage and four bonus children in New York. I am a child of God. I am blessed with three wonderful extended families and many amazingly talented friends. I work full-time in a dental office and we live in a little 1940's rental just five blocks from the public library.
I adore Oregon.
I am happy. I am busy. I am loved.
I may be changed by what has happened to me, but I will not be diminished by it. Maya Angelou
"Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishing." -Anais Nin
I think you cursed us with your mention of voles... Our moles have been having a field day in our gardens. I have no where near as many tulips this year as I did last year, and the sad thing is I planted more this past fall, so I should have had more!! John wants to know if you find a solution to your vole problem so that he can use it for our mole problem... I still say that having a dog will do it, since we haven't had as many problems with moles in the past few years until now that the neighbor moved in with dogs. Bummer. Anyway, your tulips are beautiful!