Yes, I am very behind on posts these days. If you looked at my calendar and to-do list right now, you would forgive me.
I have these photos of the derby only because my friend Diane brought a camera. Getting to scouts on Wednesday night is usually quite a feat. I work until at least 6:00 and then we have to theoretically pick up from the day, feed everyone dinner, grab books or homework for the younger kids, load everyone in the car, make sure Max has all of his stuff and get to the church by 7:00. It is a good 20 minute drive. The Pinewood Derby starts at 6:30 which means we are lucky to get there on time - thus I forgot the camera (and the kids ate dinner while watching the races).
Brother Clark spent several hours on a Saturday helping Max make his car this year. After two years of crying meltdowns and a disappointed kid, I did not feel up to the task. His car looked great and best of all, it made it down the track and across the finish line! Max came in third for his age group and was so happy to be among the winners instead of being the car that did not make it across the tracks.
Not only did Brother Clark help him make his car, he came to the derby with his wife Diane to cheer him on. It makes me a little teary when I think of how grateful I am as a Mother for the kind and loving people in our ward who have taken the time to make a difference in the lives of my children. I often feel overwhelmed with single parenting, especially during these last eight months since their Dad moved out of state. I often find myself questioning if I am doing enough or being enough for these kids. I cannot say thank you enough to the many people who have stepped in and made my children feel special and loved.

Max and Brother Clark. Poor Max had an infection on his eyelid that was diagnosed the next day. He has since taken a round of antibiotics and it is all cleared up.

I missed the part about him moving out of state. What's the story there? That red cake with the white polka dots is the bomb. I want one!