We stayed the next two nights at Fish Creek Campground. Dad and Mom bought Bryan a 5 man tent for his birthday so we broke it in on this trip! Our kids had never been camping before - how sad is that? I can't say that I am much of a camper, but we had a lot of fun and I must say I enjoyed the experience though I was really ready for a shower and a
shave the next day!
We shared a campground with Jason and Amber. Scott was on the other side of us and Mom and Dad on the other. We were not allowed to light any fires in Glacier due the the high risk of
wildfires so no
smores for us! The kids kept bundled up - especially in the mornings and very dirty playing in the woods!
This was Sophie's hiking stick she found. She cried when we told her she could not bring it in the car!

This is what we looked like after two days of camping - a bit tired perhaps?

Baby Soren bundled up against the cold. Ross and Heather stayed at a nearby hotel while we camped to keep Soren out of the cold.

This is our new tent. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Jason, Phoebe, Amber and Jacob. Jacob was recovering from strep throat the entire trip.

Amber has lost something like 40 pounds on Weight Watchers! Doesn't she look great?!