So, here I am - someone who actually teaches card classes every month, and I cannot seem to get cards in the mail on time. Dates just seem to sneak up on me. Part of the problem is I like to put photos in with the cards if I have them, and then I do not know how much postage they need which means a trip to the post office with multiple children. I just mailed off Jason's birthday card (Happy Birthday Jason back on the 16th), Lindsay's birthday card and congratulations on your baptism card and three Father's Day cards.
We have one Grandfather and two Fathers between us - Bryan's grandfather Erickson lives in Michigan and Bryan's father is in Rochester, NY. My dad is in Idaho Falls. I tried to find some photos and only have this one of Bryan's father with Bryan, David and Max. This was taken on their last visit to our home back in September of last year. (I have not figured out how to post the photos in the middle of the message so they are all at the top - sorry)
I have no digital photos of Bryan's grandfather, but I hope to fix that situation when we see him in July!
As for my dad, I have not seen him since I bought the digital camera, so I only have photos that he has sent via email. They are very small, but there he is with little Soren and the other is my dad masquerading as a grizzly.