This sweet little girl had a birthday yesterday. Somehow the years have flown by and my only daughter is nine. She wore a red birthday dress to school and a huge smile on her face. No matter how much I want her to stay little, she is growing and changing and loving every minute of it! Since I am still battling the cold from $%**, there was no birthday cake yesterday. We will have a little celebration with her girlfriends when I feel human again.
No cake, but there were presents. Her Grandma Erickson spoiled her with beautiful gifts that had Sophie dancing around the living room with joy. Sophie sat her brothers down for an immediate tea party with the dainty ladybug tea set with her new doll perched on her lap. I found some prepared slides for her microscope and a pair of unflattering goggles which remind me of high school chemistry. Maxwell printed off information on bugs from the computer and made her a penny launcher from a toilet paper tube and a balloon. He also put an impressive dent in my wall showing Sophie how it works - that thing is deadly! It has been designated an outside only toy.

This handsome young man won the 5th grade spelling bee yesterday!

I was able to walk over in the afternoon with 4 of the little ones to watch the finals and Max was just as surprised as I was when he won! There are 182 fifth graders in his school and they all took written spelling tests and from those results, the top 25 students were chosen for the final oral round. Several of Max's friends were in the finals as well so it was fun to watch them compete. Max was very happy and proud and had a huge cheering section in the audience. He is such a great kid and we are very proud of him.

Hope everyone gets healthy soon. Sounds like a happy birthday for Sophie. And congratulations Max!