Saturday was Natalie's 5th birthday party and both Sophie and I were invited. It was held at the new (since November) American Girl Doll Store in the Mall of America. I was invited as a parent volunteer and Bryan stayed home with the boys - hooray!
To the store's credit, no one commented on the fact that only two of the girls actually owned an American girl doll.

Please forgive the lady's fat bum in this photo. Wait - is that me?

The party was adorable and they did
everything leaving Susan I free to cheer on the girls and eat salmon for lunch. They played games, made crafts and had a fancy lunch with fruit kabobs, pink lemonade, pizza and cake.

Do the dolls look a bit freaky hanging there on the wall? I love the little hanging pendant lights and I kind of want that throne for my house.

Um, I also want this cake stand.

Thank you Susan! Susan and I kept sneaking cake off the girls plates when they weren't looking.
Did you really think that was my bum? Mine may be that large, maybe, but it's cuter.