My sweet little girl was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Saturday the 13
th of February, 2010. I've had a hard time writing this post. One, because my computer is wheezing out it's last breath and is as slow as molasses. Two, because the special moments are so much more difficult to put into words.
The day of her baptism we awoke to find the whole world covered in white. Every branch of every tree sparkled from a coating of thick white frost. It was absolutely breathtaking. I wanted to pull over the whole way to the church just to photograph the trees.

Sophie has been preparing and waiting for her baptism for a long time. It has been a bittersweet experience for her. She realized her Dad would not be able to perform the baptism (cue tears and exclamations of "it's not fair") which prompted many long conversations about the priesthood, choices and the examples of other friends who were baptized by someone other than their Dad. She met with our wonderful Bishop for a long interview and when she came out, whispered in my ear "I passed!". She read several books about preparing for baptism and filled out the thoughtful preparation packet handed out by our primary leaders. She packed her bag for the big day several days in advance. She was excited and so very ready for this day.
Sophie has grown and matured so much this last year. When she turned eight, she started attending a little class for girls her age on Wednesday nights at the church which may be her new favorite activity. She is much more confident in herself and it shows in her friendships and her relationships within our family.

Her Grandma brought this white dress for her to wear to her baptism. It was a bit big for little Sophie, but she loved that it almost touched her toes and made her feel beautiful. She did a lot of twirling that day. I ran outside with her before the baptism to take a couple of photos. It was cold and she was freezing and after I took these shots, we realized we were locked out of the church and had to run around to the other side.

Several months ago, Sophie called her Grandpa and asked him to fly out to perform her baptism and he happily agreed. We waited until February in order to claim a weekend when the kids were out of school allowing more time for a visit. Unfortunately, I still had to work, so I am not sure it was much of a vacation for my parents. Do not feel too sorry for them as today they are in Hawaii - without me.

Her baptism day was just what it ought to have been. The church was filled with people who love her and will support her, teach her and guide her throughout her life. As I waited for the service to begin, I looked around in gratitude at so many friends and loved ones who came. These are people who have given so much service to our family this last year. I am so grateful for the church, I am so grateful for the kind people it has brought into our lives. I am so grateful for the anchor of the gospel. It has kept me grounded and given me strength my entire life and I thank God every day that I was taught to seek a testimony of it's teaching by my parents. I am so grateful that my children will have that strength in their lives. The spirit was strong and emotions high as she was immersed and blessed and became a member of our church.
Sophie's Dad came to her baptism and I am so grateful for that. Sophie asked him to be there and though it cannot have been easy for him to come, he was there for her. She loves her Dad.

Friends came from as far as Wisconsin!

Sophie has been blessed with really wonderful primary teachers. Her teacher from last year (my good friend Lori) was the speaker and her new teacher Brother Meier and his lovely wife Marsha were in the audience. All of the children in her primary class came as well.

Sophie's three closest cousins came from across town. Her Hand cousins sent a beautiful baptism scrapbook that Sophie has been working on this week.

This was the best shot of my parents and the kids.

The rest of them looked like this.

After the baptism, my parents and I took the kids to Jensen's for brunch - per her request.
It was a pretty perfect little morning. We love you Sophie!