Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Skittles Cake

Behold! What to do when your child asks for a skittles cake for his 5th birthday? Make this!

Find yourself some cute helpers.

Make a cake and divide the batter into small bowls. I made four colors with lots of tasty food coloring. Have your helpers mix in the colors because that is fun. Let them think you do not notice them sneaking skittles into their mouths.

Frost with a buttercream, chill and then decorate with homemade fondant. Yum!

Calvin was so very pleased.

It took us a week to polish off this cake - it really serves about 12 or more.

This was the day of his actual birthday. Bryan was here with the kids for cake and presents with the family. We'll get to the Scooby-Doo birthday cake soon!


  1. Hi Stacey ~ I had to 'Comment' that this cake is just way too adorable (as are your helpers!) Who wouldn't want to celebrate their birthday with a fabulous cake like this one?

    Love, Aunt Barb

  2. WOW! Stacey, you outdid yourself on that cake! Next year enter one just like it into the'll take home Sweepstakes Winner/Best of the Fair for sure!
    Amazing...Way to go Girl!
    Drop a hint or two to John for my birthday! YUMMY!

  3. That is such a cute and colorful cake! I love the idea of all the colors on the inside of the cake where you least expect them! Did you use a special recipe? Or were you able to just add color to a basic mix?

  4. Beautiful! I do candy cakes for my kids too, but not quite so intricate.

  5. Hey Val! Just add food color to your cake batter. You'll get better color with the Wilton paste versions available at Michaels.

  6. You are the hostess with the mostess! That cake is gorgeous. Three of my kids' birthdays are coming up soon. I'm taking notes here...
