After my adventures in Portland, I flew down to Salt Lake City, UT to spend some time with my sister Heather and her family. Heather and her husband Ross live in Daybreak in South Jordon and I love all of the walking paths in their neighborhood - very well planned.

Little baby Oliver likes to curl his toes. We dragged him all over town for shopping and good food.

On Thursday, my brother Jason and his family came up from Manti with my children! we all met at Thanksgiving Point for a picnic and reunion.

Cousin Jacob the cowboy (Calvin's new BFF), sweet Sophia and Cousin Soren.

Oh, I miss this little guy!

Heather and Ollie. Great boobs run in our family - and Heather is nursing and may kill me because I posted this. Too bad! I love this photo.

I love this shot of my Dad and Ollie. Ollie takes after Heather - big dimples. I have wonderful parents.

The next few photos were taken by Jason during my kids visit to their house in Manti.

We took a lot of photos of Oliver - because he is the smallest.

The Johnson cousins: Sophie, Max, Soren, Jacob, Margot, Calvin and Phoebe. Missing: Ollie

I miss these guys too - I think Max got taller on this trip.

Cousin Margot with Heather and Ross's dog, Teka


After spending the day together and eating way too much of Mom's cherry pie, the oldest five cousins crammed into Mom and Dad's car and headed off to Idaho Falls for more adventures. They will be playing with Grandma and Grandpa for a week and then joining the rest of the family in Island Park for a family reunion the following week.

Soren and his Dad, Ross

Margot and Amber

I spent the next two days hanging out with Heather, visiting with friends, catching up with my still gorgeous MTC companion over ice cream, shopping and watching movies. We managed to make it to Cafe Rio once for chicken salads and I was able to visit with my friend Leta for about 20 minutes on Saturday before heading home.
On Saturday morning we went to the SLC Farmer's Market and sampled the foods. The fresh limeade was my favorite.

We just kept sampling . . . across the street from Pioneer Park is a Belgium waffle place - so good!

The next time you are in Salt Lake, do yourself a favor and go to
Les Madeleines and order a Kouing-aman.
They are the best thing in town. Vacation was lovely and now I am home.