Start by printing a large diamond shape on white card stock paper. Give each child one sheet.
Cut a bunch of coordinating papers into 4 1/4 X 5 1/2. Have each child choose four different papers to include in their kite.

Turn the diamond side of the paper face down and start gluing the papers on the opposite side - covering the whole sheet.

Pat, pat, pat until all of the edges stay down. Set aside to dry.

In the meantime, use your scraps to cut some bow looking things. Make sure you cut two sheets of paper at a time, so they match up in size. I just freehanded these.

Give each child a length of yard and have them put three paper bow things upside down on the table. Add the yarn on top and then add glue to each bow. Put the matching paper bow on top of the first.

Flip over the card stock and cut out the kites, following the pattern of the printed diamond. Have each child tape their yarn to the back of their kite. Write names and you are done!