I saw this challenge on a blog I like to read called
Tip Junkie. It asked bloggers to show 10 of their favorite things in their homes. I spent this morning putting up fall decorations with the kids until we ran out of steam. The rest of the decorations are all over the kitchen table and I have high hopes of being motivated enough to put them up this weekend.
This is my messy scrap space. I love that I have a scrap space even if I share the room with the office, laundry room and doors to the basement, guest bath and garage. It is very much a multi-purpose space. I found the old frame in the trash when we lived in NH and added the cork. The two magnet boards were $1.00 yard sale find and here and I painted the frames.

This bookshelf was a NH garage sale find along with the platter on the wall. I love that it is made of old boxes and that the top box sags a bit in the center. The kids love to play with the pewter tea pot.

This set is one of my all-time favorite garage sale finds from New Hampshire. I still remember the gorgeous home way out in the country where my girlfriend Leta and I found these. I paid $15.00 for the set.

My pewter candlesticks. I love pewter. It has such a great glow to it and yet it never needs to be polished!

My ornament tree. My sister Koo gave this to me for my birthday several years ago and I love to find little seasonal ornaments for it. The kids managed to break a couple of ornaments today in their enthusiasm to put them up. Such is life.

My mantel. I love having a mantel and having cozy fires in the winter.

I love old boxes and found these at a garage sale in NH. I love that the bottom box has a Concord, NH label and will always remind me of the years we spent in NH in law school.

I love my cook books and I love the bookshelf they are stored in which I pulled out of the trash in New Hampshire. Free stuff is the best.

Sophie's pink room. I love this room because it makes Sophie so happy. The beaded chandelier is a recent yard sale find as is the $8.00 bookshelf.

Books. Our whole family loves books and they are all over the house. Here are some of the neatly shelved books. The other night I had just fallen asleep when the three stacks of books (stacked about 5 feet tall) on the floor against the wall in my bedroom fell over, knocking my bedside lamp onto the floor and scaring the crap out of me. It is time to find a better place for those books. We need a library.