I signed up to volunteer at Sophie's end of the year party for kindergarten. When a parent signs up to volunteer at a school event, it is assumed that they will be arriving alone. I've always been a little left of center, so when I volunteer, I bring a whole bunch of extra kids with me! I'm sure all of the teachers love me, but if I did not bring the kids, I would never be able to see my kids at school.
This time, I outdid myself and brought 5 kids! I had the normal Calvin, Natalie and Johnny and then I was also watching Luke and Evie for Kelly because her daycare was closed. I was in charge of the fishing booth, so I set up a blanket on the ground behind me and brought books and such for the kids. They blew bubbles . . .

. . . and when I was desperate to get Evie to stay in one place, they ate candy!

Here's my cute girl!

And here she is at the fishing booth. She's a natural - she must take after her Uncle Scott.

Look! She caught a fish! Actually, everyone caught a fish (unless the fierce winds blew it away) and won a plastic ring.

Here is Sophie's class.

And here are her teachers. Ms. Corrigan has been struggling with ovarian cancer all year and has been out of the classroom for much of the time. Mr. Elo was the permanent substitute for the last couple of months. Sophie loves them both.

All in all, it went fine. The kids had a great time and my extra five were well behaved and stayed on the blanket - well except for Evie. She's just that age!