Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A Few Things
A few things:
it is freezing COLD again
it was not freezing cold this weekend so I went cross country skiing
for two hours with my friend Kelly
I somehow forgot how much I love cross country skiing
we spend a lot of time indoors when it is freezing
you would too
I am so tired of winter
all three kids went to birthday parties on Saturday
I was a chaperone/driver for one of the parties
I just found my old mission photos while cleaning out the basement
I also found a dead mouse
I went to dinner at Red Robin this weekend for the first time in about 10 years
they have unlimited french fries - did you know that?
the ice sculptures at winter carnival were cool but not as impressive as previous years
finding parking in downtown St. Paul is a nightmare
I won a blog award from Child Central Station. Thank you!
I am feeling very behind on a lot of things right now
I am drinking too much diet coke these days
the kids are out of school Thursday and Friday for teacher conferences
Sophie's birthday party is this Saturday
she is having a bug party - shocker
I need to find the motivation to get up at 5:00am to exercise
It's too cold to leave the house at that hour
Calvin is an excellent little portable heater when he climbs into my bed at night
I just finished reading "The Pig Did It" - I thought it was hysterical
I have learned to like Little Caesars Pizza - it's so inexpensive that I caved
I went to the dentist yesterday and spent two hours with my jaw propped open
it hurt a lot and I am still very sore
the dentist will be receiving thousands of dollars from me in the next two months
I need dental insurance
I loved "The King's Speech" - you must see this movie
I am singing in church on Sunday with my friend Susan
my ex finally signed the papers on Friday after 19 months of limbo
I am a little sad, a little relieved, very tired, but mostly feel very distanced from the whole thing
I think the whole process will take a few more weeks to be finalized
I have great friends and I love them
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