Thursday, November 25, 2010
Gratitude Day #24
#1. I am grateful my parents can now Skype. The kids chatted with their Grandparents and Uncle last night. Isn't technology wonderful?
#2. I am grateful for the a warm house full of delicious smells. By the end of the day I had made six pies and the chutney.
#3. I am grateful for funny goals. My kids want to see the new Harry Potter movie so I made a deal with them. Once we watch all six of the previously released movies, we can go to the new one (they have never seen 5 or 6). We watched the first one last night while cuddled up on the couch with lots of blankets and pumpkin pie.
#4. I am grateful for safety. At 11:15pm, I left the house to run to the store one more time. On my way, the car in front of me hit black ice and spun around several times, landing up off the road on the curb. I stopped to make sure he was OK and we tried to dig out and then push out his car. Anther guy pulled over as well, but the car was not moving. I finally suggested he call our neighbor who has a truck and a chain to pull him out which is what he did. I would like to let you know that I was in my green flannel Christmas pajamas and a down coat during this entire experience. I was not really planning on running into anyone at that hour!
#5. I am grateful for those who serve our country in the military. A friend of ours from Vermont is coming home from Iraq for Thanksgiving - it will be a wonderful homecoming for his family.
I wouldn't recommend taking the kids to the new movie in the theater. It is too scary on the big screen. Very dark.