Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Celebration
We did it! After several months of seemingly never ending to-do lists, home renovations, organization, lists of draining purchases, classes and mountains of paperwork, I am now a licensed childcare provider. The local inspector came yesterday afternoon and spent 3 hours here going through even more paperwork and then making sure my home was prepared.
In the end, I had to add some legal stuff to my policies and install the railing on the stairs to the basement because I have to use it for monthly storm drills. My hard working home teacher came over this morning to install the railing for me (thank you again Ken!) and I typed up the modifications and sent them in today.
Such. a. relief!
The children and I celebrated getting through all of this together with dinner at Pardon My French last night. We toasted the success of licensing, making it through the first week of school, a little good news on the financial front and about a dozen other things. The kids love to make toasts and clink glasses.
I've had two infants most of the day for the last two days. I am wiped out. Last night, as soon as we finished reading together and prayers, I collapsed. I am still having problems with sleeping and grinding my teeth (sometime I tend to do when worried) so I think I am going back to the Tylenol PM tonight. I need sleep! Thursday and Fridays are my hardest days, so I am going to have to catch up later!
The photo above forces me to admit that I am getting old. Look at those wrinkles (on me, not the cute babies)!
You are so brave. I could never take on that endeavor to have a daycare. Wow! That is a lot of work!!! Congrats though, I know you were cut out for it. There is no doubt that you are great with kids. :)