This is my third year attending a scrap booking weekend. They have all been organized by my "overachieving neighbor" who has now moved to Woodbury Lisa, and my ridiculously crafty neighbor, Jen. They are both amazing women and I LOVE going to these events with them.
The drive up was gorgeous - have I mentioned how much I adore fall?
Love this house - took a photo out the window
This is the retreat - I believe it was built this year. We did not spend a single minute outside. Susan and I scrapped, ate and scrapped some more. We had a long discussion about how our idea of a vacation was to go away and get a ton done and nothing else - no lounging by a pool or reading a good book, just scrapping 18 hours a day. Maybe someday we'll be able to afford both kids of vacations!
Comfortable clothing is key. I spent a lot of time in my green flannel Christmas pajamas.
Jen and Lisa - one of the best parts of scrapping with a group is getting ideas from other people! One of the worst is all of the longing for the great products other people have (I'm talking to you, 12-inch Cricut).
We divided up the meals this year which was great because it meant we never had to leave to go out to eat. For some reason this side of the table looks like they actually showered and put on make-up . . .
. . . and we look like we just woke up. Yes, that is my hip Twilight shirt from Lori. We watched the trailer on line while we were there and squealed like we were thirteen. We also listened and sang along to the Mama Mia soundtrack 554 times. I love that movie. It made me want to move to a Greek island and sing all day long with a hot guy like Colin Firth.
We have a ton of scrapping stuff. Susan and I are low tech - we do not own any portable scrap booking stuff, so we throw everything into bins and laundry baskets and hit the road - and we fill an entire van - I kid you not.
All of the photos I scrapped this weekend were pre-digital camera life. I may start doing some digital scrap booking when I get caught up, but honestly, I have so much stuff that I need to use and I really love working with my hands to create something beautiful. It's rewarding, and cheaper than therapy.
Holy cow! You weren't kidding - you didn't just fill the back of the van - you filled the whole van! Wow! I'm impressed! Sounds like tons of fun. You always do incredible work!