Spring/Summer soccer has finally some to and end - it's a good thing too as the mosquitoes are a bit fierce this summer and those 7:30 games were turning into torture sessions!
Here is Max with his team at the last game. So serious.
This is Max's friend Matt who was on his team. It was nice to have his parents at the games to talk to while the boys played soccer - or fooled around in the goal - whatever the case may be. Max is still passionate about defense and has yet to really expand his skills into offensive playing. He is very serious about soccer though and seems to enjoy playing so he is signed up for the fall season. He had the same great coach he has had for several seasons and he won an award for his "powerful kicks" - a soccer ball emblem with a band aid on it.
This is Matt's brother Sam. He and Calvin bonded over thier love of Calvin and Hobbes and spent several games laughing over the comics together. Sam is really good with kids.
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