Today we had a messy adventure in making Halloween cupcakes. I needed to make 2 dozen for the missionary zone conference tomorrow so I enlisted some very willing children to help me.
First I lined up the troops
Here is the cast of characters - the icing was a cream cheese yummy goodness that I could not keep my fingers out of! Speaking of fingers, do you see the little finger headed in for a treat?
Natalie took her job very seriously
Sophie looked very professional
Calvin licked his cupcake. A lot.
These are the cupcakes for the missionaries. I made all of these by myself. Notice the complete lack of tongue marks on the actual cupcakes.
I thought perhaps the kids could frost the rest and we'd give them to the neighbors . . . . and then, I thought better of it. These were made by Max. He experimented with the "double-decker" on the left.
These were Sophie's - Yummmmm
And this is Calvin's. You see what I mean? The neighbors don't need the calories.
Love the skeleton cupcakes--so cute!