Today is what I call "crazy Tuesday" - every Tuesday is nuts, but today we added a bit more crazy just to make it fun. You'll remember our van is in the shop, so this morning when Susan dropped off the kids, she took Bryan over to Thrify to rent a minivan for the day. (mind you I spent about three hours yesterday trying to find a minivan to rent - who knew minivans were so stinkin' popular?)
My day:
7:30-9:00 - shower, make bed, fix school lunch for Max, snacks for Sophie and Max, feed three kids breakfast, clean up the kitchen, help Max finish his homework, remind Max 10 times to practice the piano, yell up the stairs at Sophie to clean her room, make her bed and bring down the laundry, pack three backpacks, dress Calvin, do Sophie's and Natalie's hair load 5 kids into the rental van.
9:10 - drop off Max and Sophie at school
9:30 - drop off Natalie and Calvin at preschool
9:45-10:35 - visiting teaching
10:35-10:45 - drop of cookies at friend's house
10:45-11:20 - Sam's Club - quick trip to pick up film and soap - $120.00 later?!?
11:30 - pick up Calvin and Natalie
11:30 - 11:55 quick trip to WalMart to try and buy the last 51 notebooks for our school kit service project. They are STILL out of stock even though a six days ago they told me they would be in stock in a "couple of days", chew out assistant manager. leave.
12:00 - should be meeting Sophie at the bus stop. Ooops.
12:10 - pick up Sophie at Jillian's house. Jillian's mom was late as well and said when she got to the bus stop the girls were just standing there looking completely lost.
12:15 - go over "what to do if Mommy is not at the bus stop" with Sophie in the car ride home
12:20-1:00 - Make lunch for 5 kids, clean up kitchen, put Johnny down for a nap
1:00-3:45 - laundry, eat lunch, pack Sophie's dance bag, help Sophie practice dance, decorate the family room for fall, find all of the soccer gear, meet with friend Nola at the house to go over Christmas cards and enrichment stuff, chop up tons of vegis for a huge pot of soup - throw in crock pot for 6 hours, breathe.
3:45 wake Johnny, go through Max's backpack, get coats and shoes on all kids, load car with kids and soccer gear and have Max finish changing the car.
4:00 drive to dance class
4:30-5:30 - dance class - help Max with his homework (this is never very successful at dance class as it is so noisy and there are kids running around everywhere!) try to keep other three kids under relative control
5:30-5:40 - change Sophie into her soccer gear
5:45 - drive to Max's soccer field, meet up with babysitter Emily - hand off Max, Natalie and Johnny
6:05 - oops, late again! Arrive at Sophie's soccer game, watch game. Freeze.
7:00 - load up car with Sophie and Calvin (who has had a little accident while watching the game - nice. The lawn chair is all wet as is the kid)
7:15 - race back over to Max's field to pick him up - thank you to Emily, for waiting with him!
7:30 - arrive at home, run inside with Calvin, take him to potty and change his clothes, throw tortellini into the cooking soup, get back in car and wait for Bryan.
7:45 leave home and drive to Honda dealership in Burnsville
8:10 - pick up the minivan with its new transmission, computer, air bag something or other and new power steering wires. Total cost? $125.00. Bryan would like to take a moment here to thank his practical wife for insisting we buy the used minivan with the cloth interior and the extended 100,000 mile warranty instead of the cooler, upgraded, leather interior model he wanted. OK, he really did not thank me, but I reminded him that he should have!
8:30ish - arrive home with one sleeping kid and two hungry ones. Notice above that no one managed to have any dinner!
9:30 Put kids into bed after eating some of that delicious soup!
I am now going to bed as Max has piano lessons in the morning at 8:00 and we have to return the rental before then. I was kind of sad to get my old minivan back tonight. The rental was so clean!
Tomorrow is not a Tuesday.
have you recovered from tuesday yet? thursdays are my busy days, but i am taking a short break (even though i have three baskets of laundry to fold and have to leave for lily's library class in 10 minutes. then it's off to piano lessons after grace gets home from school.)
ReplyDeleteso sorry to hear about your flooding problems. that must be so frustrating. one nice thing (possibly the only thing) about our whole backyard being a steep incline is that our basement doesn't flood, no matter how much rain you get. you wouldn't have froze at that soccer game if you were here. the weather has been in the upper 80s! i want my crisp, fall weather and be able to wear sweaters (although i think i'm fine foregoing those minnesota winters).
have a good day!
It has been raining non-stop around here for days! It makes for lovely soccer watching weather - or not. Tuesdays are a nightmare, but this week coming up is the last week for fall soccer - hooray!