After a short night, we got up in the morning and headed to Greenfield Village with Grandma and Grandpa and David and Trisha and their boys. The village is part of the Ford Museum and is completely located outside. We had a beautiful sunny day - a bit hot, but nice weather for being outdoors. I think we most likely went in about ½ of the buildings and could have used another day there in order to see all that the museum has to offer. The kids were very impressed with the windmill and the covered bridge. But, by far the biggest hit for Calvin was the train! We saw it as we came in and the rest of the time we were there he kept asking “where did the choo-choo go?” Before we left we made sure to take a slow train ride around the property which Calvin thought was the highlight of this trip!
This was my favorite building - it now houses a small cafe. It is built from the most beautiful old stone and even has a stone roof! The gardens were also beautiful - everything seemed to be in full bloom!
With Grandpa in one of Einstein's labs.
Sophie and Calvin trying on the old hats in the hat shop!
Max and Sophie running for freedom in a play outside a tobacco plantation.
All around the grounds people are wandering about in period costumes.
The kids posing in an old photo studio.
The old church here is where Aunt Barb and John were married.